who will be the next American Idol?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

DVR Dummy

Idolites –

I wrote this on the bus this morning, as I was so frustrated with myself last night I couldn’t concentrate. So, I apologize for the slight tardiness.

I don’t know if was the Idol gods messing with me or my complete inability to handle our DVR when it comes to Idol, but for some reason when I went to watch the show around 9:15 last night…no recording. UGH!

I had been bitching all day about how I thought Idol was getting lazy when it came to themes and mentors. Quentin Tarantino? Really? Last time I checked he had zero CDs. Granted, I love his films and he has quite a knack for picking music for his soundtracks, but as a singing mentor? He’s already been on the show once as a guest judge. He must have something on Simon. Maybe all the complaining was the Idol Gods telling me to simmer down.

So, I went on line to search for performances and could only find a site that had the audio of each performance. After listening to each one, I can make my comments.

My first comment is that I wish that Tarantino had mentored the contestants on song choice instead. At least he knows that and the contestants are struggling big time. This was the cheesiest collection of songs to date.

ALLISON: Going first may hurt her again. Of all the bad song choices hers was the best. Although, did you watch the show last year Allison? David Cook did this one already. Of course she nailed it. Made the song much better that I liked it. Just think if she would have done Son Of A Preacher Man from Pulp Ficton? Our poll said it will be an Allison vs. Adam finale…we’ll see.

ANOOP: Anoo-wop, the Indian Balladeer. At least he’s decided what keeps him in the competition. Another snoozer for me, but it picked up a bit at the end. Extremely cheesy song selection, but hey, it’s Anoop. What about Lonesome Town from Pulp Fiction? A little more hip and another homage to Tarantino.

ADAM: It’s choices like this and Play That Funky Music that make me think that Adam really doesn’t want to win. He has the ability to pick amazing songs and do them so well. He also has the ability to pick the cheesiest karaoke songs of all time. Yes, he showed off his vocal range, but didn’t make it his own and sounded more like a struggling metal band singing at a bat-mitzvah. Disappointing. How about anything from Purple Rain?

MATT: I have to assume he’s back behind the piano. This song sounds like a clip you’d hear on an ad for Warm 106 FM, “All the soothing sounds of the 80’s 90’s and today.” He, Anoop, Danny & Kris are all starting to meld together. I wish someone would decide to be original. I really shouldn’t expect that from Matt, though.

DANNY: Endless Love…UGH. I know I should expect it, but c’mon. He does sing it with passion, but the song is so syrupy and sappy it’s hard to get beyond. I want more from Danny. How about Let’s Stay Together from Pulp Fiction? See where I’m going with this?

KRIS: Falling Slowly? I have no idea what this song is. I think America will have the same question. It sounded really flat and was really boring most of the way through. It would be great if he’d “Fall Slowly” out of the competition tonight…well, at least for my pool. Imagine if he had done Stuck In The Middle from Reservoir Dogs? I think it would have sounded great, sounded original and would have set himself apart from all the cheesy ballads. Instead, he sings a ballad no one has ever heard of…sigh.

LIL: Lil, Lil, Lil. Is there cotton in your ears or do you just not care at all what the judges have to say each and every week? Being in the Bottom 3 didn’t concern you last week? So, to sound more contemporary, you sing a Bette Midler song? It sounded OK, but more like a church revival version without the emotion. Lil need to go home. How about Down In Mexico from Tarantino’s Death Proof? Sultry, sexy and hip. All things that Lil is not right now.

Since I didn’t see how they looked tonight, all these are based solely on what I heard…


Performance – Allison. That’s it.


Performance – Kris Honorable Mention: Adam


Should Be – Lil, Kris, Matt

Will Be – Anoop, Matt, Allison


Should Be – Lil

Will Be – Anoop

Sorry for the extra bitterness. I’m coming off the stomach flu and am highly frustrated with my inability to get the DVR thing right. I’m mostly mad at myself, so the poor contestants get to deal with my projecting.

I’ll be watching the results more closely tonight, as I will want to see everything I missed last night. The first episode I’ve ever missed…sigh!

Pool boy out!


  1. I get what you're saying with Adam and maybe just showing off his vocal range, but I was smiling and then laughing out loud through his performance because he's just so INSANE and so talented. I love him so much. I was watching it on DVR, started about 40 minutes after it began so it was about 9:03 right when I finished Adam. I started dialing for him and his number was busy for about 2 minutes.

    I loved Allison too though and dialed for her quite often. I could really jump to the end and just listen to Allison and Adam the rest of the way. The rest bore me to tears.

  2. I'm with you Sue. It's because I like Adam so much that I get disappointed when he does a song like that. He has set the bar very high, so I expect something cool and original. That was just silly. I'm sure it was better with the visuals, but just listening to it was a let down...to me.

  3. You don't know falling slowly?!?!?!!!?

    The judges are idiots! It only won the OSCAR for best song from a movie last year!!!!!!

    It is a great song from an even greater movie. I was sooooooooo excited he sang this. Actually I would have been excited even if Danny sang this song. If you have not seen the movie 'Once' you MUST see it. Put it in your netflix people.


  4. Once is a 2007 Irish musical film written and directed by John Carney. Set in Dublin, this naturalistic drama stars musicians Glen Hansard (of popular Irish rock band The Frames) and Markéta Irglová as struggling musicians. Collaborators prior to making the film, Hansard and Irglová composed and performed all of the original songs in the movie.

    Shot for only €130,000 ($160,000),[2] the film was very successful,[3] earning substantial per-screen box office averages in the United States.[4] It received extremely enthusiastic reviews[5][6] and awards such as the 2007 Independent Spirit Award for best foreign film. Hansard and Irglová's song "Falling Slowly" received a 2008 Academy Award for Best Original Song and the soundtrack as a whole also received a Grammy nomination.

  5. Very cool. I pretty much only have independent movies in my Netflix so that's definitely going on. Thanks Tiffany!

  6. Oh and that would have been a great idea to do all Quinten Tarantino movie songs. So many good ones......

  7. Ohh one more thing. Aaron you should be able to go to idol.com now and watch the videos of the performances. That's what I've been doing because I have to miss the show every week. :( But I was able to see it this week!!! yay!

    Your welcome Sue. :)

  8. OK, so I've been schooled on Falling Slowly. I will try and see the movie, as it sounds pretty good.

    However, just because a song wins an Oscar does not mean anyone has actually heard it besides the Oscar voters, people from Ireland and a few fired up Idolies.

    I can guarantee that 95% of the screaming girls in the audience and people that actually pick up the phone and dial in votes had no idea what the song was...and though it is a nice song, it was a boring rendition.

    On a night where most everyone picked slow, boring songs, it will get lost, because very few people recognize it.

  9. Thanks for the tip on idol.com, Tiff! I'll try and check them out tonight.

    I'm just so mad at myself about the DVR thing!!!


Say it here Idolites