who will be the next American Idol?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The South Has Fallen

Idolites -
As regular readers of this blog know, the winners of American Idol have almost always come from states in the South. Kris Allen (Arkansas) proved the South can put together votes with his massive upset over Adam Lambert last season. Well, with Miss Tennessee now out of the competition, the remaining Southern contestant is Casey James, from Texas. I thought her Tennessee roots would carry Didi a bit farther, but America got it right again.
Yes, Teflon Tim looks like he's trying to beat Nikki McKibbon's record of most times in the bottom 3 without getting eliminated, but he's only going to hang on for so long.
So here we sit. Three weeks into the Top 12 in the 'year of the girls' and we now only have three of them left. Do you think Lilly Scott would have been eliminated yet if she were in the Top 12? I don't think so. I can't believe they felt it was necessary to expand to a Top 13 for Anoop, but couldn't do the same for Lilly. I told you I'd be bitching about this for awhile.
To the pool...
We no longer have any perfect pools.
Beth Shanaman has held on to her first place lead, but it is down to just one point. Who is in second place you ask? Well, it's Season 7 pool champ Nancy Ging (mother of Ginger) and, yes, your's truly!! I actually had Didi out last night (along with 5 others) to give me two in a row. My problem...I have Aaron in 12th and Andrew winning. So, I'll savor my standing for a week.
With Didi's departure, the first four people lost their Idol.
It will be that way from here on out. Yes, someone actually picked Tim to win.
Until next week...
Pool Boy Out

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Andrew's Back With A Touch Of Ginger

Idolites -
Well, one of you came through for me and passed along her magic touch to Andrew Garcia, getting him back on track in this competition. That's right, Tracy Ging (Ginger) is seen in the photo to the left with Andrew Garcia, who she met this weekend. Thanks Ginger! Maybe if we coax her, she can tell us more about their meeting in the comments section below?
On to the show...
So when Usher first comes on to talk about him being a mentor, it sounds like he's gonna be kind of a hard ass. Turns out he was a pretty nice guy.
SIOBHAN - "Through The Fire" OK, if any of you read my blog last week, you would have noticed that this was one of the songs I suggested for Andrew. Love the song. Love Siobhan. Hated that performance. Just seconds after Usher says Siobhan has a true shot at becoming an incredible artist, she delivers her worst performance of the season. Not a good spot to do that either. First out of the gate is not a good time to deliver a dud. Her vocals were off, her clothing was off, her makeup was off, her hair was off...yikes! She was really holding back the tears too. It was like a funeral when she went backstage. She'll be fine, but I think this may have been a bit of a wake up call.
CASEY - "Hold On" Casey continues his feel good blues guitar vibe, but delivers a much more solid performance. He continues to sing with that cheesy smile on his face throughout the song. I'd like to see him tone that down a bit. How about Ellen providing him with the slap down on playing it safe? For all of you that have been (unjustifiably) complaining about how Ellen is too nice, how was tonight for you? She was almost as negative as Simon. I love Ellen! Casey has made it clear who he is and what he'll be doing. I don't think it will translate into a win, but it will carry him into the Top 5 and a nice career. Good for you Casey!
MICHAEL - "Ready For Love" Big Mike did a nice job on this song from a vocal standpoint. I still don't understand why he ever brings out the guitar. It was completely unnecessary for this song, as you couldn't hear it at all. It also always looks like a ukulele up against his gigantic body. I still think he's a cheeseball, but this was a nice performance.
DIDI - "What Becomes Of The Broken Hearted?" YIKES! Well, Brooke White was back during her rehearsal session with Usher. I don't think he knew what to do while she was crying. I don't understand why contestants choose songs that have a sad emotional connection for them. Especially someone like Didi. She came out there looking like she was dressed for the grand buffet on her cruise ship. I felt like i was watching a performance at a beauty pageant. "Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Tennessee!" It was one of the worst performances I've seen on Idol. Nothing worked. Then, Seacrest somehow felt like he needed to save her and shill for extra votes by trying to pry out of her why she sang the song. To her credit, Didi was not ready to go there, but Ryan's 'Extra' persona kept picking and picking at her incessantly. Let her be Ryan!
TIM - "Sweet Love" HA! Anita Baker, Tim? I guess the producers of the show have been reading my blog, as they have now picked up on the Teflon Tim moniker. The poor kid doesn't even realize what it means. It means you are most definitely the second coming of Sanjaya. The song was just awful. It did come with two of the best quotes from the night, however. Ellen.."You can't walk like you're sneaking into a bedroom." HA!!! My favorite was from Tim, though. In his 'behind the scenes' clip he says (referring to the judges comments) "It wasn't as bad as it could have been." He just got beaten up, but could still see the bright side. Gotta love denial!
ANDREW - "Forever" So, the first thing I hear out of Andrew's mouth is that he's singing a Chris Brown song. Dude? Are your trying to get eliminated? Let's just piss off all the female voters. It all got better from there. He brought back the guitar!! He rocked the silver suit and Elvis hair do, looking much like Adam Lambert during R&B week last year. I didn't know the song and the lyrics were definitely cheesy, but I can't imagine it wasn't WAY better than the original. He has his mojo back, but I have a bad feeling about the results tonight anyway. Will a judges save happen?
KATIE - "Chain Of Fools" To me, a huge step back for her this week. First of all, she looked like she just got back from a shopping spree at Claire's and Hot Topic. The shorts were reminiscent of Paige's Crocodile Hunter outfit a few weeks ago. As for the song, Ellen nailed it again..she sounded old fashioned. Randy & Kara keep telling her this is the style she needs to keep singing. Simon is right if she wants a career. Pop country is her strength.
LEE - "Treat Her Like A Lady" Yes, this was kind of a rebirth of Lee as well. He sounded great and seemed to have more confidence. I still just can't get over the fact that he looks and hold himself just like Dave Mathews on stage. Tonight sounded like a mix of DM and Eddie Vedder. He just continually stands in one place holding his guitar way up high rocking back and forth like a mental patient. If this was his 'life changing' moment, as Simon asserted, then the talent pool truly is weaker this season.
CRYSTAL - "Midnight Train To Georgia" Nice! I get what Simon was trying to tell her, but what tonight did for Crystal was (much like Adam Lambert last season) to capture voters that probably weren't on her side previously. She was more accessible in her look and sound. She also made it clear that she is thinking about the compeition and wants to win. It was the first time, to me, that she looked like she wanted to be there. Ellen nails it yet again.
AARON - "Ain't No Sunshine" Blah. Didn't do much with the pimp spot of the night. Judges were right. It was OK. He'll be safe. Why do contestants consistently choose songs that have been done on the show before? Kris Allen killed that one just last year. You were watching, right Aaron?
Best Look - Andrew HM - Casey, Lee
Worst Look - Katie HM - Siobhan, Didi
Best Performance - Crystal HM - Casey, Andrew, Lee
Worst Performance - Didi HM - Tim, Siobhan
Bottom 3 (should be) - Tim, Didi, Katie
Bottom 3 (will be) - Andrew, Tim, Katie
Out (should be) - Tim
Out (will be) - NO ONE!! That's right, here is my bold prediction tonight. Andrew will be in the position to sing for his life and will be saved. I hope this isn't the case, because I'll be freaking out, but I gotta feeling!
Be sure to vote on you you think will go.
- Pool Boy Out