We have made it to the final 36. If you've been waiting to watch because it wouldn't be helpful towards doing well in the pool...Tuesday is the night to start watching.
Before I get to how the Top 12 will be sorted out, let me address the insane reaction to a few of the singers that have made it through so far:
- There are 3 controversial singers remaining as far as I can tell: Tatiana, Norman Gentle (Nick Mitchell) & Nathaniel
- Yes, Tatiana & Nathaniel do envoke legitimate violent reactions. Tatiana has some sort of mental illness and Nathaniel is just a bit too emotional to endure another week of competing.
- Norman is genius. I love him. I can't believe he's made it this far, but his schtick is brilliant and I hope he gets some sort of career out of this.
- However, for those who are up in arms, saying how American Idol has "sold out" or "lost their integrity", I ask, REALLY? C'mon now! First of all, this is American Idol. It's the highest rated TV show for good reason. Secondly, even in the case of Sanjaya's improbable joke of a run in 2007, he didn't win. Tatiana could very well make the Top 12.....she ain't gonna win! So just take a deep breath and get over it. You're NOT going to stop watching if she makes it. You're just going to talk about it more...and if you're a part of this pool and are reading this blog written by a middle aged married man, what kind of standards do you really have?
- If you are truly bothered by any of these singers still being alive...VOTE!!
The 36 hopefuls will be split into three groups of 12, and for three consecutive weeks, one group will perform each week. The live performance shows air Tuesday, February 17 8/7c, Wednesday, February 25 8/7c and Tuesday, March 3 8/7c on FOX. At the end of each performance show, viewers will be able to vote for their favorite contestants for at least two hours in their region.
Then, on the weekly live results shows airing Wednesday, February 18 8/7c, Thursday, February 26 8/7c and Wednesday, March 4 8/7c, Ryan Seacrest will announce the three semi-finalists -- the top male, the top female and the next top vote-recipient -- America has chosen to move on in the competition.
On Thursday, March 5 8/7c, the special "Wild Card" episode will feature the judges' favorite remaining contestants battling it out live for a coveted spot in the next phase of the competition.
This is when the pool will begin. Stay tuned.
Pool Boy
Poll Results:
In the search for the hottest male and female Final 12 finalists, Carrie Underwood was named hottest female and Michael Johns was named hottest male. Katharine McPhee and Chris Daughtry finished second respectively.