who will be the next American Idol?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Disco Fever

Idolites -

Who'd have thought that disco night would put out more memorable performances than movie night? It was an interesting and pack-separating evening last night.

and then....
  • Vince Neil in the front row...interesting. Not the guy you'd think the producers would keep cutting to on disco night, but hey!
LIL: Ugh! Its to the point now where you are afraid to see her go out there. She truly has no idea what the judges are trying to tell her. She has turned into the karaoke queen and yet looks completely hurt and surprised when the judges continue to rail on her. I hope she goes tonight...for her sake and ours.

KRIS: I'm sure all the Kris lovers are bracing themselves for my commentary, as I have been very clear about him not being my cup of tea. Let's start by saying that he continues to dress like a homeless man...and again no color. Dingy grey jeans and a ratty old white t-shirt? C'mon Kris, at least try. However, his performance was really, really good. He solidified his John Mayer-esque profile by singing a song about a strong woman in a really cool way. He has locked himself into a top 4 or 5 spot. Great job Kris!

DANNY: About what I would expect from Danny. Again, I like him, but am growing weary of his performances. This was a fairly good performance that won't be memorable in the long run, but will easily push him into the Top 5. I think he needs to shave next week. The 5 O'clock shadow experiment was a failure.

ALLISON: Good for her to pick a Donna Summer song and make it rock. I kind of agreed with Kara and Randy on the arrangement being so-so, but she is really gaining confidence and should make it through to next week. Though it's not my kind of style, at least she is starting to develop her look. Her hair was tamed quite well last night too. Could be in the bottom if they pull 4, but there are only 7 left so it wouldn't be a complete shocker. She's safe.

ADAM: I almost expected greatness last night due to the cheese-filled Born To Be Wild last week. Well, I got it. How does he keep pulling out better and better performances? Randy was right on...he is ready NOW. Paula was shaking, which didn't help her articulate any better. At least in this case, I could totally understand why. This guy rocks!

MATT: He should go home just for picking Stayin' Alive. Really Matt? He dropped all his crutches..no piano...covered the 3rd eye...but he couldn't cover up the cruise-ship worthy performance. Thank goodness for Simon to tell him the truth. He's trying to be Justin Timberlake, but is nowhere in JT's league. The only thing I think may save him is that fact that he the bottom vote getter last week which surely put his fans on alert to place a lot of calls.

ANOOP: ...and arriving to the studio straight from Easter brunch, it's Anoop Desai! Again, he stayed with what has worked for him. It just wasn't that great. He did have some nice moments, but it's apparent he is not in the same league as Adam, Allison Danny or Kris. I think the road may end for Noop Dawg tonight.


Adam Honorable Mention: Lil, Danny

Performance: Adam
Honorable Mention: Kris, Allison


Honorable Mention: Matt

Honorable Mention: Matt

BOTTOM 3 (or 4)

Should Be:
Lil, Matt, Anoop, (Danny)

Will Be:
Lil, Matt, Anoop, (Allison)


Should Be:
Lil & Matt

Will Be: Lil & Anoop

Enjoy a probably very cheesy group number and results tonight!

Pool boy out!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I almost pee'd my pants when I read "Anoop straight from Easter brunch." Adam rocks, but does he really want to win it????

    I think Paula should take a class on communication. She can copy off of my paper... Kara is starting to annoy me.

  3. In my opinion, all Kara has brought to the show is that they are too often going over time because we have to hear all 4 judges. She needs to go. Not because she is so awful...more because 4 is too many.

    I'm glad I gave you a chuckle too!

  4. I'm with you on Kris. I don't know why I don't like him, probably because I have mad love for Adam, but last night was a totally cool song. Jerry Jeff Walker, obscure artist, redid Dan Fogelberg's cheesy "Rhythm of the Rain" in a totally cool, soulful way like that once.


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